الجمعة، 21 أكتوبر 2016

Petit chaperon rouge de Perrault à imprimer

 Voici la version du Petit chaperon rouge de Perrault à imprimer. Cette version du petit chaperon rouge est illustrée de dessins et de coloriages que votre enfant pourra colorier lui-même. Le petit chaperon rouge est une histoire à imprimer pour les lectures du soir. La version de ce conte est plus courte que celle du conte des frères Grimm. Imprimez les deux version du même conte et comparez-les avec votre enfant.

الأحد، 16 أكتوبر 2016

The successful separation of conjoined twins process head

Doctors in the US succeeded in the process of separating Siamese twins, aged about six months, in the long and difficult surgery.It has undergone both Knatala hop Mata Mata and Adeline Feith, Almmeltsqtan at the abdomen, and share a liver, diaphragm and pelvic cavity and the large intestine and the lining of the heart, to tighten the process of the skin and patching after the success of separating them.And gave birth to twins by Caesarean section when she was their mother in her eighth month of pregnancy, she not died and their mother, "I would like to know as much as the pain that Stharan him later, and what will be intact?", And added that "their growth naturally, the two are trying to reach the play, Tmdan Odhirahma toward us while approaching and talking to them. "And underwent separation of the twins at Texas Children's Hospital in Houston operation, and supervised by a team of surgeons, in the long and difficult surgery.He spoke births twins attached to a ratio of one to 200 000 live births, the majority of opportunities in small to survive.

The deceased was born and returned to life after 8 minutes

 Evelie the baby was born dead, doctors tried to revive it for a few minutes, but they did not succeed in that.But, God willing, that miracle happen, and the heart of the child pulse starts after 8 minutes of her birth deceased.The mother Bethany Miller had been transferred to the hospital in Telford rapidly, having noticed runny water from her womb. But after a quick preview, the doctors decided to perform a Caesarean operation, remained young, aged 21, was awake the whole time as a result of fear, but the baby's heartbeat was non-existent for the moment of birth.And after all this suffering, and after eight minutes of the birth, the heart began to beat Evelie and returned to life in good health.It is noteworthy that Bethany spent 84 days in the hospital, accompanied by her daughter before being transported to the house.